【SORA】A beautiful orange butterfly rests on an orange flower, closeup, nature
Prompt: A beautiful orange butterfly rests on ...
【SORA】nighttime footage of a hermit crab using an incandescent lightbulb as its shell 夜间拍摄的隐居蟹使用白炽灯泡作为其壳的画面
nighttime footage of a hermit crab using an in...
这些视频真的是Open AI Sora生成的吗?
持续更新中… “a white and orange tabby a...
揭密最强视频生成模型 Sora,OpenAI 如何 1 分钟一镜到底?
OpenAI 从「弹药库」里掏出了 AI 视频生成工具 Sora,瞬间占据了各大新闻头条。 ...
V-JEPA(Video Joint Embedding Predictive Archit...